Installing tup on Apple silicon

I’ve had an Apple M1 for a couple of months now, and for the most part the software transition has been seamless. However one app that I use, that I couldn’t install was tup

When trying to compile it I got several errors related to architecture arm64, such as missing required architecture arm64 .

Tup requires fuse. The homebrew version (as of time of writing) of fuse doesn’t yet support M1.

But macFUSE 4.1.0, released 13th March 2021, supports Apple Silicon.

So the steps I followed to get tup working on my M1 air are:

  1. Download and install the latest macFUSE release

  2. In order to complete the fuse install, I had to reboot the mac into recovery mode, reduce the security level and then enable 3rd party extensions from the developer.

  3. Compile tup from the source repository

     git clone git://
     cd tup && ./

At this point the tup comile failed because I was useing pcre from anaconda, which wasn’t compiled for M1. So I removed anaconda pcre and reinstalled from brew (Make sure you are using up-to-date brew, so you get a version for M1)

brew install pcre

After this, the tup compile succeeded for me.